Monday, October 10, 2011

Anonymous Hacking Group Takes Down

Just Google "Anonymous Hacking Group" and it will have over 8 million results. The famous hacking group has become ever so popular in the news recently with exploits on sites like Visa, Sony and even a government security site. But the most recent was today's attack on at 3:30pm EST. 
Distributed Denial of Service of DDoS attack was the cause of the site take down for about 2 minutes. This was confirmed by a website called Keynote which confirmed that the site loading time had decrease dramatically during that time. 
DDoS attacks are very common hacking attack that involves multiple computers that flow the targeted website with garbage and overloads the servers which allows for a temporary crash before a backup server kicks in or the original server is restarted by a system administrator blocking the attacking IPs.

For more about the Anonymous Hack: Link 1Link 2


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