Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple iPhone 4s Offical Release!

Wait... no iPhone 5... WTF!?!? Anyways.... Apple has officially held a press conference earlier today about their release of the iPhone 4S. So here are the details:

  1. Has the new A5 processor, similar chip found in the iPad 2. It offers twice the speed to the older chip and 7x the performance according to Apple.
  2. 8 megapixal camera with 1080p video.
  3. Close to 4G download speeds with the new antenna that wouldn't have issues like the previous versions did.
  4. Battery life to allow for talk time of about 8 hours.
  5. Siri like voice command personal assistance for texting and other functions.
  6. The iOS 5 with over 200 features available
  7. The iCloud which will allow you to upload and sync all your files and music to all your devices from anywhere.
So it looks pretty much like the iPhone 4 (no surprise there). With the same prices left for the 16GB - $199.99, 32GB - $299.99, and 64 GB - $399.99.
If any other breaking news is released, I will sure to let you know!


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