Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Must Have: Glowing Apple Logo External Hard Drive Enclosure

You love your Mac.. you sleep with it, you take it to the coffee shop, you take those funny pictures with it (yea... you know what I am talking about...) but you don't have enough space for all of your 'ish on its hard driver. So what do you do? Get a nice portable, 2.5 inch external hard drive???
NOPE, you buy this flippen sweet Apple Glowing Logo Hard Drive Enclosure by iHDD 2.
You can get a basic 2.5 inch hard drive, slap this baby around it like a condom and BAM you are ready to go. Take your data everywhere an anywhere. Its powered via USB so no extra wires for you wireless freaks and it cost under $30 bucks (you paid overpriced for your Mac, so don't bitch...)

Here are the links where to buy:
iHdd 2 Slim External Hard Drive Enclosure [Amazon via Fancy and Oh Gizmo]


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