Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Will Windows 8 save Microsoft's Windows Phone 7

 Wait... what?? Microsoft has a phone?!? Yea... I know, all you hear these days are about the iPhone and Android, but yes there is such a phone called the Windows Phone 7. There hasn't been much of any news about the phone since the very small push AT&T tried around the start of the year with offering certain models at $99.99. But with the Windows 8 preview, there is light at the end of the tunnel for the struggling phone.
Windows Phone 7 looks very much like the opening screen of Windows 8. Very similar interface with the tile display desktop. Some people who own the Windows Phone 7 and have seen Windows 8 love the design, but of course, there are mixed reviews. But either way, when Windows 8 launches, instantly, millions of people will all ready get a feel for the Windows Phone 7. This different interface is very very different from the iOS and Android. With people utilizing the Windows 8 interface, would make them more comfortable to work with a Windows Phone 7.
So you might be walking into a store with another big name contending for the top spot along with the Android and iPhone. It will just be a matter of time until you will see a Windows Phone 8...


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